
“Together for the Community” was a two-year-long partnership between one Portuguese (Associação Spin) and one Italian (Associazione VulcanicaMente) organization, both of which sent and hosted a total of 8 international senior volunteers for a 4-week period. 

The volunteers were involved in the activities and projects developed by the hosting organisations, especially in the field of community work, intergenerational dialogue and international project management. They were also able to develop and implement their own project ideas in these fields and other fields of interest to the HOs (intercultural learning and dialogue, human rights, social inclusion and other). The most important aspect of this voluntary service project was the direct and constant involvement of the volunteers with the local community. During their stay they came into contact with children, youth, adults as well as other seniors.

In this project, the volunteers had the opportunity to experience a different culture and way of living, to master some useful tools and competences in the field of community work, to learn about NGO work, as well as to improve their skills in intercultural communication and learning of Portuguese/Italian language.

Importantly, this project also facilitated the exchange of practices and ideas between the two partner organizations.

Portuguese volunteers and the VulcanicaMente Team
Italian volunteers and the Spin Team